Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mad For Plaid Stylish Tuesday + Francesca's Giveaway!

Happy Tuesday Dolls! 

I hope everyone is having a fabulous week so far! Yesterday was an exceptionally good Monday for me and those are few and far between! Make sure to join the Stylish Tuesday linkup (Huge shout out to the 100+ girls who linked up last week ... whoop whoop!) and enter to win a $230 Francesca's Collection Gift Card at the bottom of this post!
 Y'all I'm seriously mad for plaid right now!
Yesterday June Gloom officially happened. For those of you who aren't Angeleno's, during the month of June Los Angeles is completely gloomy and overcast for the first 1/4 to 1/2 of the day until Mr. Golden Sun decides to come out and play. Some day's it's nice because it actually feels like it might rain, but for the other mornings it's rather dismal.

Although I'm being a complete pessimistic Patty right now, I actually do enjoy the overcast days in a sense because they make our hot summer days tend to be a little cooler than normal, hence the long sleeve shirt! 

One of my favorite combo's is a pair of shorts, wedges and a great long sleeve tee to keep you a little warmer on those chilly days; however, this also works for hot Summer days when you're shopping and the AC in the mall is about ready to make you pull our your winter coat! Y'all know what I mean!

Speaking of shorts, if you're like me and have a tiny waist with bigger hips/thighs and booty I seriously recommend checking out American Eagle for shorts. Yes the same American Eagle you shopped at during high school! I've sworn by their shorts for years and have the same pair in literally 8 different colors. I'm a firm believer in buying in bulk when you find something that not only fits, but is a flattering length and look when it comes to shorts!
Top: Target // Shorts: American Eagle // Wedges: Dolce Vita via Macy's // Watch: Michael Kors // Bracelet: Forever 21 // Necklace: Polly's Jewelry // Sunglasses: Gift from a Wedding

What's your Summer go to look?

Hosted by Life's A Party, Dress Like It & Induffinitely Me!

Life's A Party, Dress Like It (Follow on Bloglovin')       Induffinitely Me (Follow on Bloglovin')

If you'd like to co-host Stylish Tuesday, please send an email to lifesapartydli@gmail.com!

This week's featured blogger is Linda from A Labour of Life!
I simply loved every single thing about this darling look! The neon yellow top matches her flip flops perfectly and I love how she did a bright on bright combo with the neon pink shorts! Add a pop of white in the bag and BAM you have an amazing look!

If you'd like to be featured on next week's Stylish Tuesday, then simply follow the rules below: 

1. Please follow me via Bloglovin' or GFC and this week's co-host Amber from Induffinitely Me on Bloglovin'

2. Link up your favorite recent style post

Life's A Party Dress Like It

$230 Francesca's Collection Giveaway!
The Giveaway ends Sunday, June 15 at 12:00 pm PST. Only open to continental U.S. Winner will be announced Monday, June 16

Linking up with Lauren, Trend Spin Linkup


  1. Hey there! Absolutely love this shirt! You're lucky you only get gloomy weather in June - in London it's a bit less reliable so I'm embracing the sunshine while I can!!


    1. I do love living in California, but I miss London so much! I visited after college and the city is breathtakingly gorgeous!

  2. Ooo I love the bracelet you paired with this outfit! And white shorts always say that summer is here :)


    1. Thanks Becky! I literally grabbed that as I was running out the door to balance my wrists out!

  3. Hi there gorgeous. Your Plaid Shirt is perfection. I wore some Shorts with Gingham the other day. And I agree about buying something that fits well in bulk. Great giveaway too.

    Also Linda's outfit from last Tue reminds me of my outfit from last Tuesday as I wore my Neon Pink Pants with a Neon Yellow Blouse and Neon Yellow Cap-toe Flats. Great minds think alike. =)

    I am hosting a link-up myself tomorrow. I'd love for you to join and include a link back to my blog. Thanks a lot for the support. Happy Tuesday!! <3 Ada.

    1. Thanks doll! Isn't it the best combo?

      You know I'll be at your link up tomorrow :)

  4. A button down and shorts is my Saturday uniform. I can't help it every Saturday it's what I end up wearing. I love your top, I can't believe it it's from Target! Super cute! Thanks for hosting the link up!

    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

    1. It's literally the best uniform to have! I was shocked when I found the top at Target too! I needed it for a themed party and loved it from first sight!

  5. So totally love your stylish, casual look had to share right away! Thanks for hosting. Happy to join Sabina @Oceanblue Style

  6. Loving those wedges, babe! :)


  7. Thank you Paige, I am thrilled. Now you have me rethinking packing away all my plaid.. Looks like I will be pulling a few of those back out for summer wear.

    1. Of course! I truly think plaid is a year round fabric not just for Fall and the holidays :)

  8. Too bad I didn't make it to your awesome giveaway Paige.....more power to all the participants. I actually like June Gloom too and you are certainly rocking it in plaid & those wedges!


    1. Aw next time love! I have a love hate relationship with June Gloom but I must admit it's nice to have cooler mornings!

  9. I love the color combo on this plaid top. I know what you mean about needing a winter coat for the mall b/c of the AC. Even on the hottest days I always carry a cardigan for malls, restaurants and movie theaters.

    1. Right?! I always have to have a cardigan at restaurants and movies as well!

  10. Lovely plaid look! I love it with the white pants and wedges! <3

    1. Thanks! I love how crisp white can make darker color combo's appear!

  11. I would love a few overcast mornings, it's been so hot in northern California! Completely agree about American Eagle shorts too :)

    Birdie Shoots

    1. Ah I'm dying to make it up to Nor Cal! Dr. D might be working in San Francisco come August so fingers crossed!

  12. I love the plaid shirt with the white shorts and wedges! Such a great look!

  13. I like the plaid white shorts combo! I totally agree about buying multiple sets of things that work for you or you love. I always kick myself when I don't do it!

    Nicole to the Nines

    1. Right?! Nothing is better than a flattering piece of clothing, so I always buy in bulk!

  14. Love the colours in your outfit. Thanks for hosting!

  15. Great laid back look! I can never say no to plaid!
    xo Adri

    1. Thanks babe! I love how versatile plaid can be!

  16. You look so cute! Love the plaid top. Happy Tuesday and thanks for hosting...xo!


  17. You look great and I love the plaid shirt. Thanks for hosting and Happy Tuesday...xo!


  18. I love button downs with shorts and wedges! The red flannel and white shorts are really cute together! Thanks for hosting the linkup!


    1. It's seriously the best combo! Thanks for linking up!

  19. Loving the color of your plaid shirt!! I love a great plaid shirt!


  20. Love this color of plaid! It goes so well with those white shorts!!

    Jenna from Visions of Vogue

  21. You are looking beyond fabulous in plaid love!! And Ok I had no idea about this whole gloomy in LA thing--learn something new everyday :) And thanks for the shorts tip--I have the same problem lol


    1. June Gloom is seriously the worst, and no problem about the tip! I seriously live in AE shorts!

  22. You look so chic and fabulous! I adore your look, so stylish! ;)

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  23. Cute! I normally reserve my plaid for fall/winter but I am so going to have to copy this look, I love it!

    1. Totally copy it! One of the many perks of California is getting to wear seasonal things all year long!

  24. Your wedges are too cute. And I love them paired with the bright plaid top.
    I'd love to hear your thoughts about my latest post! :) http://www.fashboulevard.com/

    1. I'll definitely make sure to stop by your blog! Thanks for the kind words!


I'd love to hear from you!